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23K Kelly Handle Pack Thousand Bird PlaidFashion is a cycle and the popular medieval Kelly has been redesigned and revitalized by Chanel The medieva

23K Kelly Handle Pack Thousand Bird PlaidFashion is a cycle, and the popular medieval Kelly has been redesigned and revitalized by Chanel. The medieval Kelly is famous for its classic handle handheld design, which subverts tradition by adding an epithelial drawstring shoulder strap on the base, making it more casual and convenientStyle number AS4416Size 13197Complete packaging - professional luxury fashion brand agency business(If you have wholesale or retail intentions, please contact online customer service, there will be unexpected surprises.) No._dpXTJ7LU1e8jx4Fey0byD4Nr0bbzuu9rR8gtLsA-_dxqTJMGag9BMp-N8s3pw5yDQgkcFEKPnc3Lhf8w-06-0206302-1717312897513

23K Kelly Handle Pack Thousand Bird PlaidFashion is a cycle and the popular medieval Kell

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